I´m a bookworm that have a sweet tooth for fantasy. Almost anything fantasy, sci-fi, or adventure works for me. Especially if they involve zombies, magic, monsters or a dystopia. That said I have not nearly done enough book related crafts and it's something I need to fix. It feels easier to make crafts about books that have been made in to as movies or a series. Then you have something visual to go after, more than just the cover of the book. Sure if it's a comic then it doesn't matter but not many books even have pictures or drawings of any sort inside. One book craft that I did some time ago is this pocket book cover for the Hunger games series.
The front of the cover. I have used two different simple fabrics. Some black silk ribbons. Yellow fleece and yellow embroidery thread. |
The inside. You just insert the cover between the layers. Then I have one ribbon as bookmark and two ribbons on the sides to tie the book shut. |
My hunger games books. |
I try to read as much as I can. I spend at least 10-30 minutes each night reading. Also I try to always bring a book if I´m going to travel by train or buss. My latest read was the Zombie Survival Guide. I wanted to read that before reading World War Z and want to read the books before seeing the movie. Don´t really know if it would make any difference but I just prefer it that way. The book was a easy and fun to read and I just love all the "facts" in it. As well as all the supply list and what not. It really makes it feel legit, like all the events have actually happened. Though It make me feel a bit grim over my hopes for surviving a zombie apocalypse. Though at least I'm more prepared and know what and what not to do now!
The cover also makes it feel like a real guide. |
While waiting for World War Z to arrive I'm reading Boneshaker. Its sort of a alternate universe, sci-fi, dystopia, zombie, steam punk, adventure novel. Picked it up as a eBook from the lasted Humble eBook Bundle. Its a interesting and easy read and I'm enjoying it a lot. Had not heard of it before I saw it on the Humble Bundle and looking forward to read the other books that I got in the bundle. Really want to find more unique and interesting books especially the ones that are a bit more unknown. So many great books I bet I have missed because I have not heard of them. So I would love to get recommendation of books that might suit me!