I have thought about starting a blog for a long time now so it feels great to finally have done it! The thing that have caused me to postpone it the most must have been the name. Some how I got it into me that it´s the most important thing about a blog. It had to be unique, memorable, not to long, funny and above all awesome. Also it wanted it to be partly descriptive of my blog. To fit all this in a name ended up being a way too unobtainable goal.
Even though my process of finding a name was long I also learned a lot. My first thought was about combining words of and about different crafts I do, like crocheting, knitting, sewing and painting into a blog name. Possibly also adding an adjective. Well like I was the only one that had ever thought about that!! Lots of writing and googleling later I gave up. Then I tried to add different substantives I liked, e.g. tea, yarn, leaf, tree, flower, cat, shark, book etc. Well that went a bit better and not all names where taken or gave a huge amount of hits but still plenty.
Then this summer I said to my self that I need to lower the goal of my name and just take a name so I could start blogging! Since that is what I actually want to get started with. So after just making up random names and combining two words. I particularly liked words combined of two different animals similar to Sharktopus or Catbug. It also got me thinking about the game "Impossible Creatures". Which I had a demo copy of when I was little and played a bunch! The concept is just so fun. Combining two different animals into a freaky crossbreed. A concept also found in Kim Possible (an awesome kids' show I like) where one of the villains called "DNAmy" uses a machine to crossbreed animals to look like fantasy stuffed toys she collected. Also this is sort of a small inside joke among friends that we paint crossbreed animals in paint and send to each other, well it has at least happened more then twice!
A drawing by me of Catbug from the Youtube show Bravest Warriors |
So this was totally a concept of which I felt was a good fit for my blog name. What remained was just to pic what two animals to cross and how to give it a small pun or a other reference. To not make this post even longer then it is I´m just going to summarize that I like dinosaurs and a lot of other animals. So I tried some mixes and that's how Owlodactyls was born. Thanks for reading my first post if you made it this far!